Anna Briscoe, Pianist
For seventeen years, pianist Anna Briscoe was accompanist for the renowned Indianapolis Children’s Choir, conducted by Henry Leck. She travelled with the choir to six continents performing as pianist and organist at St. Peter’s Basilica, the Sydney Opera House, Lincoln Center, the Kennedy Center, and at the Saint Denis Basilica and Madeleine Church in Paris. In Saint Petersburg, Russia, she had the singular honor of performing a major release on harpsichord and piano with the Moscow Chamber Orchestra.
She views collaborative performing as a unique art form to which she is particularly suited. In this role she has performed with William Warfield, Angela Brown, and Sylvia McNair, among others. Private teaching across a half century has touched the lives of many hundreds of pianists young and old.
A performance of Rachmaninoff’s Third Piano Concerto with the Indianapolis Philharmonic formed a career highlight. Ms. Briscoe also presented or performed at national conventions of the Music Teachers National Association, the College Music Society, and the American Musicological Society in London and variously in Paris, Venice (the Biennale del Arte), Chicago, and San Diego. She also performed the world premiere of Variacion by Tania Leon at the College Music Society.
Ms. Briscoe was the initiating Music Director for the Docent Program of the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra. In that capacity she planned the course and trained the docents to visit schools and teach students about the concert experiences they would hear. She has worked closely with her husband, international Debussy scholar James Briscoe, performing Debussy, and she has presented many compositions by women composers as a result of Dr. Briscoe’s three Anthologies of Women Composers.
In New Orleans, Ms. Briscoe is the Music Director at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church.
Ms. Briscoe performs at CCCMF on October 5